Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Number 2.

          This is the piece that I just finished. It is the second of this collection. All of the paintings in this collection are each made up of multiple canvases put together, and each will be of a single figure. My last one was the boy looking over his shoulder. So far I plan to create a third, and then see if I'd like to do another one after that. The boy looks pensive and curious. The girl looks ecstatic. I'd like the next one to have a new idea or a new emotion so that the three contrast each other.


  1. You're right. These are very different in the figure's emotion, but at the same time they are similar. I see them as a clear body of work. I'm interested to know how you would describe the similarities among these paintings. I think it will get you closer to defining your theme.

  2. Wow, Annie, I really enjoy the "life" that I feel when I look at both your blog and your art. I love the interactive art concept that you are toying with in your chalkboard paint. I wonder if a wall in the library might work for you? I'm always interested in bringing student work into this space. The theme I'm seeing emerge is that interaction--asking us to look into the eyes of a face you have painted and imagine that person's story, to supply a drawing for the little boy in chalk...maybe to guess what good news the elated girl just heard? What do you think?
